You’re Not a Bad Person for Eating Meat — How to be More Sustainable with Nearly Zero Effort

Casey Jean Miller
3 min readApr 28, 2021

You probably know the type — the uber sustainable people who preach about composting, flaunting their eco-friendly products, and no longer consuming meat.

They call you out for not being sustainable and eco-friendly — while they gloat about not buying fruit packaged in plastic and brushing their teeth with a bamboo toothbrush.

Good on them for being so passionate about the health of Mother Earth. But the reality of it is, most people have too much going on in their lives to consider large-scale issues like Climate Change.

It can be daunting, depressing, and over-eager Karens — sorry to the non-Karen-y Karens — can make you feel like complete crap for buying a coffee in a single-use cup.

They constantly share posts on social media screeching about the environment and how you should be living your life.

We get it — people like that can make sustainability feel overwhelming and frustrating. It seems like no matter what you do, you’re doing something wrong. Your mere existence is bad for the environment. Which honestly isn’t that far off. We are human. The way we live is bad for the environment.


We need to normalize making small changes for a more eco-friendly lifestyle and stop waste shaming each other. Let’s celebrate everyone’s effort, no matter how small.

Here’s what we stand for:

Sustainable living for humans. An eco-friendly lifestyle made to be sustainable and accessible for busy humans who can’t dedicate hours to research, money to buy expensive “eco-friendly” products, or sacrifice their emotional well-being to the helplessness that can come with worrying about the state of our planet.

In my opinion, a little is a lot when it comes to living for the environment. You don’t have to do it all perfectly to make a difference. We can share the load. If I put forth effort, and you put forth effort…we’re going to create ripples!

More and more people are trying to make small changes in their lifestyle to support the environment — join us in being a part of the change. You don’t have to uproot your entire lifestyle, cancel your diet, and buy expensive products to help. All you have to do is give a crap.

If you want to start living more sustainably without much effort, you’re in the right place!

Super Simple Ways You can be More Sustainable Today:

  • Buy a reusable water bottle
  • Bring reusable grocery bags to the store
  • Use old rags and towels instead of paper towels
  • Limit your water use by being mindful of your shower time
  • Buy in bulk and bring your own container
  • Instead of buying another plastic toothbrush, purchase a pack of bamboo brushes off (cost effective)
  • Shop at your local farmers market for your weekly produce
  • Say “no thank you” to plastic wear and straws

For more sustainable ways to live sustainably check out: 100+ Simple Tips to Live a More Sustainable Lifestyle!

Living an eco-friendly lifestyle has the potential to only take a few adjustments on your part. Try these super simple sustainability hacks on for size.

The good news is it doesn’t have to be strenuous or time-consuming — the bad news is that recycling actually does very little to solve the problem. For more on that, check out my blog post, The Flaw in Recycling.

What steps are you going to implement today? Leave a comment below!

Visit Jean’s Apothecare virtual apothecary to shop sustainably.

Want support as you embark on your journey to wellbeing? Join our small Facebook community, Nurturing Your Body & Mind, where Jean’s Apothecare Creator, Casey Jean, provides education, resources, and support.



Casey Jean Miller

Hi, I’m Casey Jean. I’m an herbalist, wellness coach, and Creator of Jean’s Apothecare. My mission is to help you live in a way that nourishes your body & mind