5 Reasons to Drink Herbal Tea

Casey Jean Miller
3 min readJan 27, 2021


You see herbal teas in grocery stores and speciality shops. You know it’s a great companion to snuggle up with a good book. But… have you considered herbal tea an ally for optimal wellbeing?

We challenge you to consider making herbal tea a part of your daily wellness routine (and not just an occasional thing you drink). Here’s why:

ONE: It’s a simple way to give your body a healthy dose of vitamins and minerals.

Tea is a water-based infusion. In the simplest of terms, this is the easiest way for your body to receive and digest vitamins and minerals.

The vitamins and minerals (and therefor health benefits) are going to vary depending on what you drink. Your personal wellness goals (physical & emotional) will help guide you in what you choose to drink.

Let’s look at this a little closer. Here at Jean’s Apothecare we use Organic Nettle as the base for three of our tea blends: Ease, Trust Your Gut, and Herbal Goddess.

Nettle is a powerhouse herb. Containing Vitamins A, C, D, and K, calcium, chlorophyll, potassium, phosphorous, iron, and sulphur. This translates to Nettle being a wonderful aid for optimal health and wellbeing.

TWO: It enhances your morning or evening routines.

Health benefits aside, the act of brewing and sipping tea is relaxing all by itself. It makes a great companion to your morning routine or evening wind down. Simple as that.

THREE: It’s affordable and easy to make.

Herbal tea is very low cost. Our 1 ounce pouches of herbal tea make 8–12 cups of tea. That means each cup is only $.80-$1.20 each.

FOUR: There’s something for any occasion.
Feeling stressed? Nauseous? Have a sore throat? Need a pick me up? There’s an herbal tea for that.

FIVE: It’s delicious
If you haven’t tasted a delicious herbal tea yet, I believe you just haven’t found the right one for you. There are so many herbs — so many flavor profiles. I truly believe there’s something for everyone.

While we’re here, it’s important to note that the final result (what’s in your cup) is only going to be as good as what you started with. Boxed bag teas sit on the shelves of stores for a while. They aren’t going to taste nearly as fresh as loose leaf tea.

Jean’s Apothecare Herbal Goddess Organic Loose Leaf Tea

So, are you ready to give herbal tea a chance?

Visit Jean’s Apothecare virtual apothecary to shop our full collection of organic herbal teas.

Would you like support as you embark on your journey to wellbeing? Join our small Facebook community, Nurturing Your Body & Mind, where Jean’s Apothecare Creator, Casey Jean, provides education, resources, and support.



Casey Jean Miller

Hi, I’m Casey Jean. I’m an herbalist, wellness coach, and Creator of Jean’s Apothecare. My mission is to help you live in a way that nourishes your body & mind